Grace Intercessors is
likely the most important ministry we have here at EC Grace. This is a ministry
entirely focused on “First Love Prayer” as we believe, realize, and embrace the
fact that all we accomplish for the Lord is by His power and grace alone. We
know that prayer is the window to our souls and the removal of self-reliance.
Prayer will change our passions, increasing our love for the Lord, for the body
of Christ, and for the lost. Prayer will strengthen our faith and deepen our
relationship with Christ as we become utterly dependent on Him. This type of
praying in the Spirit for all things for the glory of Christ
will give all credit to the Lord.
Grace Intercessors
meets at 6-6:50 p.m. every Wednesday evening and 9-9:15 a.m. Sunday mornings. We still have
our regular Wednesday evening service at 7:00-8 p.m.
The mission of Grace
Intercessors is to be a brother or sister in Christ that seeks with all their
heart for the Lord to be known, magnified and glorified through the Body of
Christ. They will not seek their own will
through their efforts but will humbly come before God with a repentant heart,
seeking His will by His grace. They will submit to Jesus Christ as the Head of
the Church and will strive to obey His command that His Church should be called
a House of Prayer. 2 Chronicles 16:9 says, “For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro
throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.”
Intercessors persist in prayer for the ministries of our local church. They intercede by praying that all evil strongholds be pulled down and that the kingdom of God would be established in
the hearts and minds of the church. That the church’s ministries would lead to
the edification and sanctifying work in the believer’s life where everyone will
have the desire and pursuit to live wholeheartedly for the Lord. They persist
in prayer for the ministries
of the church, the saints’ victory in spiritual
battle, the saints’ victory in faithfulness and growth in the knowledge of
Christ, the saints’ victory in sharing Jesus with others, and that the church
would be the unified body of Christ, pleasing Him in every way. They pray that
God’s purpose and plans will be fulfilled through humble hearts that give all
credit and glory to God as He makes the inadequate adequate. They pray that Eagle
Creek Grace Bible Church will be the church that loves Jesus first and is the
lampstand that shines the light of God’s word to a lost and dying world.
Grace Intercessors
will be praying for the spiritual health of the church and all spiritual
matters therein. They pray for the material or temporal needs of the church to
accomplish the church’s goals and vision. They will not engage in the
individual prayer request of the body where those requests are of a temporal
nature. Those prayers and petitions are important and will be addressed in the regular
Wednesday night prayer meeting service, through prayer email, and the prayer