Women of Joy is the Bible study for the women of Eagle Creek
Grace Bible Church. They meet every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. It is for women
and led by women. Regardless of what is being studied, each woman studies on
her own throughout the week. This lends to a level of accountability as each
woman can provide insight as well as ask questions from what they have gleaned
through their own time of study in the given passage that week with the
guidance that was provided.
These ladies do not simply show up and leave, rather they
find that as they grow together in the Word their relationships with one
another grow as well. For in addition to
their study, they sing praises to the Lord, share their burdens with one
another, and take these burdens to the Lord in prayer.
Additionally, these Women of Joy are known to serve the Lord
with joy together. For this is not just a simple Bible study, this is a group
of women who love one another, and are looking to welcome the next who joins.