Survey Says...Fear


Survey Says...Fear (Jonah 1:4-16)

Pastor Jacob Vickers
Have you ever faced fear or panic-induced situations? There’s a physiological response known as “Fight or flight.” Perhaps there are wise times to flee, but those who do seldom have good reasons for doing so most of the time. There are many responses to fear, as we will see in Jonah 1. Listen to find out how we might choose to respond in difficult situations.
Sunday, September 19, 2021


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Survey Says...Fear

Have you ever faced fear or panic-induced situations? There’s a physiological response known as “Fight or flight.” Perhaps there are wise times to flee, but those who do seldom have good reasons for doing so most of the time. There are many responses to fear, as we will see in Jonah 1. Listen to find out how we might choose to respond in difficult situations.

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