Hosea: Wisdom For Our Age


Knowing God (Hosea 5:4)

Pastor Aaron Woodruff
When an airplane crashes, the engineers swarm in and hunt for the black box so they can figure out what caused the crash so they can fix the problem and prevent it from happening again. Throughout the rest of Hosea, we will look at the black box that caused Israel to crash. We want to avoid that in our lives as well. What if the avoidance of any “black box” recovery in our life starts with the knowledge of God? Does it matter to have an intellectual knowledge of God or does it matter more in how you conceive God to be like in your heart? Listen this Sunday as we find out the answers to these questions.
Sunday, February 27, 2022


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Hosea: Wisdom For Our Age

It seems in our society everyone is searching for wisdom and truth. Can a minor prophet, an Old Testament book, give the answer and clarity needed for you and the Church today? Listen as we start the journey through Hosea as we begin to answer this question.

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