When, Jesus?


Too Late (Matthew 24:42-25:13)

Pastor Aaron Woodruff
Often times, we get second chances or "do overs" in life. But what happens when we don't? What happens when it is truly too late? Tune in to our latest message to see a clear example of a choice that could quite literally be made "too late." See why now is the time to make this choice as we see in God's Word because tomorrow may be too late.
Sunday, November 12, 2023


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When, Jesus?

Have you ever wondered what the future of the world or mankind is? Is Jesus ever coming back? Is He coming back soon? If so, what does that mean? Tune in to this series and learn what God has to say about the future of the world, of humanity, and His return. If you knew Jesus was going to return today, would that change anything in your life?

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