When, Jesus?


His Coming, Unmistakable and Spectacular (Matthew 24:23-30)

Pastor Aaron Woodruff
We have previously looked at many of the events and things that Jesus said must take place prior to His coming. Now, we turn our attention to the question that Jesus was asked, "What will be the sign of your coming?" Tune in to see the definitive answer to this, as well as how this provides great benefit and joy to the believer today.
Sunday, September 24, 2023


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When, Jesus?

Have you ever wondered what the future of the world or mankind is? Is Jesus ever coming back? Is He coming back soon? If so, what does that mean? Tune in to this series and learn what God has to say about the future of the world, of humanity, and His return. If you knew Jesus was going to return today, would that change anything in your life?

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